The Long Dark Wiki
The Long Dark Wiki

Small birch sapling that has been cured. Can be used for crafting and repair.
In-game description

Cured Birch Saplings can be found growing near birch trees and in a variety of wild landscapes, usually in groups of 2-5.

A Green Birch Sapling can be cured by leaving it to dry indoors or inside a deep cave for four days. During this time, if the sapling is curing it will show the percent of the process completed, either when hovering over the sapling or viewing it in one's inventory. They usually come in alone or in pairs, but are normally not found in close proximity to Green Maple Saplings.

Once dried, the Green Birch Sapling will become a Cured Birch Sapling and will appear to be a more dull brown color. The cured sapling can then be used for crafting Arrow Shafts. Both Green and Cured Birch Saplings never Decay, and will always be at 100% Condition.

The player can use a Hunting Knife or Hatchet (or their improvised versions) to craft a cured birch sapling into 3 Arrow Shafts at the Work Bench.


